Thursday, December 8, 2011

Simple Spinner Bait

The last and hardest to construct involves elements of both previous pieces of fishing equipment. The Spinner-Bait starts like the Top-Water Lure and is the same up to after it is carved out. Now cut a spoon as with the spoon lure but dont drill holes at the end. Rather drill a hole in the middle. Now take an eye screw and use it to attach the spoon to the scalloped end of the lure by screwing it through the hole in the spoon into the lure with the rounded side of the spoon facing and fitting snuggly into that scalloped groove. Paint all surfaces to your own design. Now screw an eye screw into the other end and attach a trebble hook with a split ring. This unique architecture gives The jitterbug lure an attractive jittering motion as it is reeled through the water as well as its name.

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